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Integrate with SaaSez

SaaSez simplifies the process of creating and sending invoices. Users can customize invoice templates, set up automatic reminders for overdue payments

Introducing Mailbes and SaaSez

Examine the financial considerations and strategies for businesses looking to scale and expand. Discuss funding  of options, financial planning, and how SaaSez features can assist in managing finances during periods of growth. These blog post ideas cover a range of important financial and accounting topics, providing valuable insights and guidance to SaaSez target audience.

If your business operates online, our integration with e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce ensures that your online sales and transactions seamlessly integrate with your accounting system, simplifying the tracking of revenue and expenses. Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems helps you keep track of client information, manage leads, and link customer data to financial records, creating a comprehensive view of your customer relationships.

Our bank synchronization tool connects to your bank accounts, automatically importing financial transactions. This feature saves time on manual data entry and ensures real-time accuracy of your financial records.

How Mailbes enhanced conversions with SaaSez

Integration with analytics and reporting tools enhances your ability to analyze financial data. You can use these tools to create custom reports, perform trend analysis, and gain deeper insights into your financial performance. Integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems helps you keep track of client information, manage leads, and link customer data to financial records, creating a comprehensive view of your customer relationships.

  • To get started, connect Mailbes to your SaaSez account.
  • Create an Event segment in Mailbes for your conversion events.
  • Create an Event segment in for your conversion event
  • Mailbes will enrich your Google Ads conversions according to your chosen schedule.

Here is the full guideline on how to set up

Setting up the integration with our app involves a series of steps. Below is a simplified guide that you can use as a template. Follow these instructions to seamlessly connect and start leveraging the full potential of our email marketing platform.

Step 1: Create an app

  • Log in with your account.
  • Click on "My Apps" and then "Create App."
  • Choose the appropriate app type.

Step 2: Set up the login

  • In the left sidebar, navigate to "Login" and click on "Set Up."
  • Choose the type of login you want to implement (e.g., "Web").
  • Configure the necessary settings, such as Valid OAuth Redirect URIs. This is where will redirect users after they log in.

Step 3: Retrieve App Credentials

  • In the app dashboard, go to "Settings" > "Basic."
  • Note down your App ID and App Secret. You'll need these to authenticate our  app with.

Step 4: Integrate login into saas

  • Access the admin or settings section of our app.
  • Look for the authentication or integration settings.
  • Add the App ID and App Secret in the respective fields.

Step 5: Configure permissions

  • Define the permissions your SaaS application needs from users.
  • Common permissions include email, public_profile, and user_friends.

Step 6: Test the integration

  • Implement a test scenario where users can log in using their credentials.
  • Ensure that the necessary user data is pulled into your SaaS application.

Final word:

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate with our app, allowing for efficient collaboration and project tracking.

Technical assistance:

If you encounter any technical issues or obstacles during the integration, our support team is ready to assist. Please provide detailed information about the problem, and we will work promptly to identify and resolve it.

Functional guidance:

Understanding the full range of features and functionalities of our app is crucial. Our team can provide detailed guidance on how to make the most out of the integrated system, ensuring optimal utilization for your project needs.

Best practices:

To enhance your overall project management experience, we can share best practices for utilizing the integrated SaaS effectively. This includes tips on collaboration, task management, reporting, and other essential aspects.

FAQs and Knowledge base:

We have compiled a comprehensive set of frequently asked questions and a knowledge base to address common queries and provide self-help resources. Feel free to explore these resources for quick solutions.

Feedback and improvements:

Your feedback is valuable to us. If you have suggestions for improvement or encounter any challenges that you believe could be addressed better, please share your insights. We are committed to continuously enhancing our integration support.

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